THE SUMMER SCHOOL                                              February 5,
                          Mr. Aldo Leopold, 
                          404 University Ave., 
                          Madison, Wisconsin. 
                          My dear Mr. Leopold : 
                          I have your letter of February 3 relative 
                          to weight of quail killed in our open 
                          hunting season. I regret to say that 
                          I have not kept weights of any quail killed 
                          by me. I do not know of any of our sports- 
                          men who have kept these weights. I realize 
                          that it would have been very much worth 
                          while had we done so. I have been unable to 
                          find a single person who could give me any 
                          assistance with this problem. 
                                                  Your ver truly, 
                          AJD:RK                                  t 
                                                      A *Dadisman, 
                                                   Director of the 
                                                     Summer Session