DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 
                             NATIONAL PARK SERVICE 
                           YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK 
                               YELLOWSTONE PARK. WYO.        M    ,13 
OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT   YL    SN     A.O                  2, 1931

              Mr. Aldo Leopold, 
                Madison, Wisconson 
              Dear Mr. Leopold: 
                      Recently the Department of Conservation of Michigan
asked me 
              for a statement of my qualifications for filling a certian
              which theywill have to fill soon. I would be glad to have Mr.
              see a copy of the recent preliminary report I made on the project
              am at present engaged in and as you have the only copy of this
              that is available for circulation I should be very glad if
you would 
              forward it to him at an early date. If you have not as yet
had time 
              to look over this report you may request Mr. Lovejoy to return
it to 
                      The data on antelope, sheep, deer and buffalo which
you request 
              is enclosed., You understand of course that during the two
yearly mig- 
              rations the average and maximum daily travel is much greater
for all 
              species of mamnals which subsist on grass and other forage
                                            Very truly yours, 
                                                 W. 1. Rush 
                                              In charge, Elk Study