                   The basis of wq effeot today to restore our wild life
fish saa be basd en prdutio. Fish sad gaame       be proded in much the sm

maner " li    stocks but they must be produced sad waaged on a scietitfie
to met thw steadily   sreesi; demeand made upo them. The fellowing stops
esmmded under the headiag of Production in this Pre)ntduary Program. 
A.                 A scientific survey of each low bglaad state's wild life

reseures, this survey to be initiated by the Now FAgland -ounil's (Otral
several State wild life commttees and ea&red on Jointly by the survey
of the Sporting Arms and Amunition Vaufacturoes' Ititute, the United States

bureuA of Bllooei.al Survey, the varieus Itate Pish sad Gave Dprtmnts nd
neservation orgnizations. 
                   The greataot value of the low Nrlaad Osuilts 0atral 
O    ttee will probably be t otartitar Q umntrutiye0, wll-balaned and eoaordinated

mevesatS of this kind. 
          1.       Te buildin. utipn cas o tate of a  hailn dyston of sesotiuode.

en the Peansylvnia plan. 
          2.       A thorough stud of the Itate !are farm proposition as
preseat ru. The whole theory of nodoeit g   control is this: A suffialoit
tug stock of ga   muat be built up and maintaiw. so that the annual Aermal

roprodustio  will take oar o" all  .ual lose frov. shooting, natural
causes, 4Ad 
the depredations cf vermin. 
                    Tn those states whieh have now a fair supply of gae,
 satiw7 system mill in the eourse of % few years produe a ftairly larg supply.

 The soantuay theory in brief Is that srea, of from 1500 to 8500     res
are sot 
 asid. sad so situated that they have a definite relation to sah othor in
 matter of Intervening gm a oaera. No cihooting is permitted on the esatuar
 Gem.i thereoa irasesoe to the saturation point when it begins to 44ft outside

 to find foot sad establiah new using ground. The gwi     from one aetuary
 toeward the gm  moving toward it from the neiĆ½hborin, asotuaries,
until theoretically 
 the whole area in time ts stesked. Vermin uust be kept out of eanotuaries
and en- 
 ditions mintaited whiah will be most favorable to the mxium.-   natural
                    vsre the ge supply in a state is very much redoedo or
 the &    de on it are extremely heavy, it is nocesary to auget it by
 gam, or by ramisia it on  amse farms, from whiah it is transported to sawtuanies

 oe direstly to game oovers. 
 0.                 A biological survey of ach Noew Rglmd State's laes and

 streen systems and gme-fish reso@ro q to be conduted by the New ftgland
 (butral sad several qtate edomttees, the United ttates Bureau of Fisheries,
 Fish and Game Departments, tate Universities and sportsmen'a organizatios.