Summer 1934                 Credit Hours 
          Zool. 117  Field Zool -                     9 
          Zool  ll4a Introduction to Parasitology - -2 
          Zool. ll6a Zool. Seminar including food, 
                     & habits of Wyo. Ground Squirrels 
                     and Morohological Entomology - -4 
          7ool. 6    (Under Graduate Course) Wyoming 
                     Mammals-    -   -----------     3 
          Zool. 114b Parasites of mammals and birds -3 
          Zool. ll6b Conservation of birds and mammals -3 
          Zool. 201b Ecology-                         3 
          Zool. 104  Insect taxonomy---------         3 
          Zool. 112  Vertebrate embryology------      5 
          Zool. 114c Parasites of the human body - - 3 
          Zool. 118  Wyoming Birds-  ---------       3 
          Zool. 201c Economic Zoology--------         2 
          Thesis: "Life History, Foods, and Habits 
                    of Sage Grouse" ----------  12-15 
May I hear from you soon? 
Permit me at this time to wish you a very hapoy new year. 
                                        Resnectfully yours, 
                                        Geo. L. Girard 