Seattle, Washington 
                                      1320 East Sixty-third 
                                      October 22, 1942 
Dr. Aldo Leopold 
University of Wisconsin 
Madison, Wisconsin 
Dear Sir: 
        Because I have been told that you are one of 
the best informed i4 the United States on such a 
situation I am writing to ask if you would care to 
comment on the following situation: 
        On Lake Washington, a fresh water lake near 
the City of Seattle, is a bay margined by a typical 
swamp several hundred acres in extent. In two spots 
in this swampy area sanitary refuse fills are being 
made.  Beyond the swamp margins are homes.   Mallards 
nest in this swamp area and raise their young in the 
vieitty and naturally are quite popular with the local 
         There have been some complaints (I believe very 
few) that mink in the swamp have been taking the young 
ducks and it is suggested that trapping be allowed in 
this area. I think that all people interested in con- 
servation oppose opening this district to trapping as 
it has been a closed area to hunting and trapping for 
many years. They oppose it also on the ground that it 
would be positively destructive to the ducks.    The two 
garbage fills have attracte.d many domestic rats so that 
the swamp is over run by them.    Those opposed to the 
trapping state that the rats are highly destructive to 
all types of nesting birds and that the mink which are 
natural enemies of the rats prey on them and do much 
more good than the harm caused by their taking an 
occasional duckling. 
         This situation must have been more or less 
 duplicated in other parts of the country and I am hoping 
 that you will be willing to give us the benefit of your 
 experience.   This spot is so prolific in wild life that 
 we are very anxious to keep it in its natural state as 
 long as possible. 
                                     Yours sincerely, 