%09 Peallers anai 
assistance iD connection withylthe operation of our 
6ame Farm, through     the examination   of many 
different birds which have been sent to his Department 
for the purpose of determining the cause of their 
ailments. We feel greatly indebted to Dr. Riley and 
his associates for such assistance as they have rendered 
this Department. 
    The State Forestry Department has rendered 
valuable assistance and we, in turn, have endeavored 
to furnish them with every bit of assistance possible 
during their critical fire periods. 
    The Commissioner of Drainage and Waters, 
the State Auditor, the State Treasurer and the Secre' 
tary of State have also exhibited a good cooperative 
    We have received the finest kind of treatment 
from the Department or Administration and Finance 
who have, at all times, stood ready to help us in 
periods of distress. 
    The Attorney General's office has expended both 
time and money in rendering legal assistance and 
we might state that without the assistance which 
we received from the Attorney General's Department 
many of our undertakings would have been greatly 
    The Courts of the State, including our Supreme 
Court, have been exceedingly good to us and, last 
but not least, the retiring Governor has followed a 
policy of non-interference, has advised and consoled 
but never dictated, and it is with the deepest sin- 
cerity that we express to him our gratitude for the 
kindness he has shown this Department. 
    Through Legislative Acts, particularly those of 
the last Session, this Department has been placed 
on a new plane, elevating it from obscurity to a 
position of popularity and I feel that we would be 
remiss in our obligations if we failed to commend 
this honorable body for the enactment of such laws 
as have made it possible for this Department to 
progress in a way whereby a greater number of people 
have been highly benefited. 
      In the introduction of the Hungarian Partridge the Game and Fish Department
hopes to repeat 
the success attendant with that of the Ring-necked Pheasant. The above picture
portrays a recent ship- 
ment of these birds to Willmar. from which point they were re-shipped to
various towns for release in 
appropriate localities.