the manufacturer out of the credit busi-/ 
ness by lending their customers the money 
to pay cash for what once was carried on 
a term-settlement basis. 
   Research is being used to ascertain how 
the banks can sell themselves more thor- 
oughly to the public as an essential, con- 
structive, contributing factor in the com- 
munity, as opposed to the view that a 
bank is a necessary evil for the conduct of 
business with which one has to make his 
peace against a day of need. 
   Here is a nation of 130,000,000 people, 
wealthier than all others; more alert to 
progress and modern ideas; full to over- 
Sflowing with natural resources; equipped 
with modern machinery for mass produc- 
tion. The banks are bulging with billions 
of dollars that they are anxious to hire 
out for use in putting our 12,000,000 un- 
employed to work. 
   Research is being resorted to by the 
banks to ascertain how they can be useful 
and instrumental in working out programs 
to apply to our raw materials that we have 
in such abundance, and the labor that is 
so ready to be employed in converting this 
supply into usable wealth. The capital is 
here; management is available. There is 
lacking  a profitable, feasible method 
whereby the combination of labor, capital, 
management, and raw material, can be 
co6rdinated to the end that our living con- 
ditions be improved day by day and decade 
by decade for an ever widening circle of 
the people. 
   Banking is awakening to its responsi- 
 bility and opportunity. Through research 
 it is setting forth to study the immediate 
 local communities as to ways and means 
 whereby the credit with which it is charged 
 as custodian may be utilized in developing 
 each community. It is seeking to imple- 
 ment these opportunities to their fullest 
 extent, whether they be in personal en- 
 deavor, private enterprise, or public under- 
 taking. With much is banking charged. 
 Of it much can be expected through the 
 development of its research programs. 
    OF THE MAN OF WEALTH: To set an 
 example of modest, unostentatious living, 
 shunning display or extravagance; to pro- 
 vide moderately for the legitimate wants 
 of those dependent upon him; and, after 
 doing so, to consider all surplus revenues 
 which come to him simply as trust funds, 
 which he is called upon to administer, and 
 strictly bound as a matter of duty to ad- 
 minister in the manner which in his judg- 
 ment, is best calculated to produce the 
 most beneficial results for the community. 
 -Andrew Carnegie. 
 NOVEMBER, 1938 
G   OOD NEWS comes with the announce- 
     ment of the creation in Virginia of 
a 1,400,000-acre state and federal wild- 
life management area, designed to as- 
sure improvement in the wildlife and fish 
populations and their environmental con- 
ditions in the mountainous sections of the 
Old Dominion. Sportsmen and conserva- 
tionists have already marked this venture 
and are looking forward with confidence 
as Virginia joins with the U. S. Forest 
Service in pioneering the largest, most 
cohesive, most promising wildlife man- 
agement program in the East. 
   At the last session of the General As- 
sembly of Virginia a law was passed 
authorizing the Commission of Game and 
Inland Fisheries to enter into a co6perative 
agreement with the federal Forest Service 
to define the means and methods to be 
taken to improve the fish and game re- 
sources of Virginia. This law came into 
being by reason of untiring efforts and co- 
operation among sportsmen, sponsors of 
wildlife, and nature loving citizens. On 
June 3, 1938, the co6perative agreement 
was signed by Carl H. Nolting, chairman 
of the Commission of Game and Inland 
Fisheries, and R. M. Evans, regional for- 
ester of the Eastern Region of the United 
States Forest Service. This agreement takes 
advantage of the wildlife possibilities and 
the work already being done on the mil- 
lion and a half acres of the George Wash- 
ington and Jefferson National Forests in 
the uplands of western Virginia, and by 
combining authorities and responsibilities 
creates the largest managed open public 
hunting ground east of the Mississippi. 
ine conservation of natural resources. 
   Let us go back a few years and review 
the steps that made it possible. In 1911 ac- 
tion was initiated under federal and state 
acts to acquire land in the mountains of 
Virginia for forested areas to protect the 
watersheds and conserve the growing 
timber. These areas for the most part had 
been logged over. Many landowners had 
cut the timber and were no longer inter- 
ested in the land or forests. Spring and 
fall these forests were afire, each fire 
further devastating and denuding the 
land, destroying soil and timber. Besides 
the loss of remaining or potential timber, 
the natural habitat of wildlife and fish 
was disappearing. The silt from rapid 
stream runoff and the ashes from forest 
fires reduced fish populations. Man was 
tracking the last vestiges of the wild things 
remaining. Wildlife was being destroyed. 
     Hunters report their results at roadside contact stations 
                   Virginia s 
           Wildlife Future 
                        Contributed by