FOREST SERVICE 
THE FORESTER                                       WASHINGTON 
    R                                         September 19, 1929. 
  Mr. Aldo Leopold, 
     421 Chemistry Building, 
        Madison, Wisconsin. 
  Dear Aldo: 
         Professor D. M. Matthews of the University of Michigan 
  Forest School, has been recommended to us as well qualified 
  for positions of large responsibility and difficulty in the 
  Branch of Research, such, for instance, as the leadership of 
  our nation-wilde Forest Survey project and presumably for 
  Forest Experiment Station directorships. 
         It occurs to us here that you may know Mr. Matthews 
 personally, or have authoritative information about his 
 qualifications from others.  You also know, of course, the 
 high standards which we are attempting to maintain in the 
 selection of personnel.  Would you, if you have any basis 
 for an appraisal, give us in appropriate detail your size-up 
 of Matthews, pAh an indication of how big a job he could 
 fill and of z     particular phases of research to which he 
 might be best adapted? 
        Another man who has been given more or less consider- 
 ation, particularly in connection with some important place, 
 and even for the nation-wide leadership of our Forest Survey 
 project, is4. J. Andrews, now head of the two divisions of 
 Lands and Fire Protection in the Michigan state organization. 
 While it is my understanding that he is not at this time in 
 the market for any other job, we should, nevertheless, like to 
 be securing all the helpful information we can with respect to