Federal funds and the co6peration of 
the state accounted for the purchase of 
this forest land. 
   Public-spirited cobperation  by   the 
people living within and adjacent to the 
National Forests, together with the pro- 
tection and rebuilding being carried on by 
federal Forest Service forces, has so re- 
duced forest fires and improved the for- 
ests during the past two decades that the 
wildlife habitat is rapidly being restored. 
   The United States Forest Service con- 
trols the land. The Virginia Commission 
of Game and Inland Fisheries controls 
the wildlife. The relatively few private 
ownerships that are importantly involved 
in the game problem of these extensive 
rugged upland areas are generally sympa- 
thetic and co6perative. 
   Now we are ready to set definite upland 
wildlife objectives and ready for all forces 
to work together to accomplish them. 
Law provides, in addition to the regular 
resident or nonresident license required 
by law, that everyone desiring to hunt, fish, 
or trap on the lands of the National Forest 
Co6perative Area shall purchase a Na- 
tional Forest Permit Stamp costing $1. 
   The funds derived from the sale of this 
stamp will make possible the effective pro- 
tection, restocking, and development of 
this huge public hunting area. These 
stamps, issued by the Game Commission, 
can be obtained from any county or city 
clerk. One of the essentials to the success 
of the new program will be that sports- 
men and nature lovers purchase this stamp, 
even those who may not intend to hunt or 
fish in the National Forest area at this 
   The area embraces the lands of the 
George Washington and Jefferson Na- 
tional Forests, located in whole or in part 
in thirty of Virginia's 100 counties. Game 
laws applying to the area are formulated 
by the Commission of Game and Inland 
Fisheries and can be found in the state 
game laws booklet, obtainable from the 
Game Commission or from any county 
game warden. 
ment plan is to assure the proper protec- 
tion and progressive development of the 
wildlife resources of this vast public hunt- 
ing area. The three immediate objectives 
are: (1) restocking the area with wildlife 
and fish, (2) protection, and (3) improve- 
ment of the environment. 
  These objectives will be accomplished 
and supplemented in the long run by seven 
major efforts: To effect, insofar as possi- 
ble, a natural balance of all wild birds and 
animals; to maintain sufficient breeding 
stock of all species so that there will be 
provided the maximum surplus of game 
animals, fur bearers, birds, and fish for 
annual harvest by sportsmen and trappers; 
to increase and stabilize the carrying ca- 
pacity by improving the environment; to 
maintain animal populations not to exceed 
the maximum natural carrying capacity for 
any one species; to effect and maintain 
wildlife populations in harmony with all 
other forest users; to protect and preserve 
the esthetic value of wild animals and 
birds of both the game and nongame spe- 
cies; and last, to control the number of 
undesirable species where and when it is 
necessary in order to effect -a good eco- 
logical and biological balance. 
   Wildlife Stocking.-At the present time 
a wildlife survey of the management area 
shows twenty-one small herds of deer and 
a turkey range extending over half of the 
area. During the next five years it is 
planned to join these deer herds by the 
additional stocking of approximately 2,000 
deer. This method of stocking will assure 
uniform distribution and more favorable 
hunting when the open season is permitted. 
As fast as turkeys become available it is 
planned to extend the present range to 
cover all of the area. Through stocking, 
beaver colonies will be established on 
streams suitable for beaver but not con- 
sidered good fishing streams. Beaver res- 
toration will bring back to Virginia one 
of its most valuable fur bearers. 
   Fish Stocking.-The plans for fish 
stocking provide for the correlation of 
state and federal fish planting. In the past 
these activities have been carried on sym- 
pathetically but almost independently of 
one another. Under the new plan each 
agency will have a fish resource map show- 
ing the portion of each stream assigned 
to it for stocking. Each year the number of 
fish to be stocked will be determined. This 
map will also show fishing intensity, mak- 
ing it possible for both agencies better to 
distribute the fish to take care of heavily 
fished sections of streams. The number and 
size of fish to be stocked will be propor- 
tioned to the revenue received from the 
purchase of the National Forest special 
permit stamp. 
   Law Enforcement.-The two National 
Forests are divided into nine ranger dis- 
tricts of approximately 160,000 acres each. 
In the past these large areas were covered 
for game purposes by thirty county ward- 
ens who could devote but a small part of 
their time to the National Forest area be- 
cause each had an entire county to patrol. 
It is now planned to augment these ward- 
ens by deputizing all qualified Forest Serv- 
ice officers. As funds are available from 
sale of the special permit for hunting, fish- 
ing, and trapping in these National Forest 
areas additional local men will be em- 
ployed on the protective force. Each year 
the law enforcement organization in each 
of the nine ranger districts will meet to 
review the past year's accomplishments 
and through detailed planning bring about 
improved efficiency in the protection work 
for the coming year. 
   Wildlife Improvements.-In carrying 
 out the objectives of the wildlife restora- 
 tion program one of the most important 
 jobs is wildlife range improvement. This 
 work will be accomplished largely by the 
 aid of the Civilian Conservation Corps, 
 under the direction of the United States 
 Forest Service. The program involves a 
 multitude of jobs, including the construc-