Butler Apts., 
                                        Columbia, Mo. 
Mr. Aldo Leopold 
Madison, Wis. 
Dear Sir: 
        You -ay reuember that some time ago I wrote you re- 
gardir     - a book of projects for high school science classes 
that I had thou ht of compilin. This manual was to attempt 
by the project method to interest students of this a~e in 
the ideals of Ionservation. I had requested your opinion on 
such a work, not only for i own assurance, but because my 
Supervisors in Zooloy constantly refer me to you. You re- 
plied, I think, by sayi    I that you could consider an indorse- 
mert if the wor  ca   out under the auspices off he nier 
        Since then I have referred the matter to Dr. C"utis, 
Dr. Bennitt, and r. Woods of the Zoology Dept., and to Dr. 
Watkins of the Educational Dept., and have received their 
Unanimous approval and encouragement. Indeed, Dr. Curtis has 
ug~ested that I make this work my thesis f or my Masters. 
In connection with that, I have agreed to compile a number 
of tentative projects for the use of Katy Lee, M.A., and 
Laura Nhm, PhD., in their high school Biology classes this 
coming school year. Theses projects are to be tried and tested, 
and an attempt will be made to ascertain their value, that 
their validity my be proved before they are incorporated in 
the thesis. If they prove successfu, the thesis will be pub- 
lished by the University in a form available for the use of 
te3chers of Biology and lindred subjects. 
         As a means of LettinL subject matter, you are a- 
ware that there are no authentic texts on the market, and 
my only references are the articles, papers, etc., compiled 
by men now in th, field, and publlshedin the various sports- 
man magazines, or in phamphlet form. What is your opinion as 
to how far I may well La in usin6 this material in the con- 
struction of my projects, with of course, suitable acknowl- 
edements? I have no thou)ht of liftinL inforation bodily 
from the work of others, but of using their knowledse and 
publications as a basis from which to work. For instmnce, 
y'-un own work on the quail census can furnish ue with several 
ideas for a project suitable for school children. Methods of 
carryir~ oat$ these projects can well be based on these Used 
by other investigators, Acknowledements will of course, be 
made, and credit iiven where due. I should like to have your 
opinion on this matter. I may say that the thesis will be 
sent you for your criticism before it is ffinally submitted. 
In addition, the cooperation of every worker in the field is 
solicited, that the work -uy be authentic. 
         We have a rare prostct for a  reat quail crop this 
fall. The birds have been ubusually suoee   ± i. Ineldi n. 
                 very tr0ly yo    0,  W.  4-       re