&*A Via* fye fjw 0up-titton with otb~w plaAte unili tb~y bewi 
..ta*Wish~e.   Thi  to not so tupw1.ut in th    *a** orwatf1pa 
and falso bIitterwe.i, b~ oVf her* W* shul       &Tol   plantigR a 
thiek uat Of eath v#getattee. 
       Aroaa  0ststoeDz   m    ton&~  1018t~ins  Sdtiatio  fan  "to

ofa *tp ioropy *isTSm as Nitwi 
Nr Aquatic p1eatigs 
Nr Tme~s Shrubs MA via** 
Ntr pleat tag f lol e..4. for 
Na    foo atob*4 
?5 of st of pSAotif Setrelso 
To* o .0et f plantn Materials 
         Slbres or.m  r 
                           (no to .00*) 
SVUeratios lairgoi 40pISt a oabw:     at   h0thr gron be to 
b- p1l   or only 4d4.4 &a hazwv.4, ma ty" of esoi. 
v i d l tf e   I s r v i   o n  t h o  O t    a -et o "