JONESBORO, ARKANSAS 
                                                February 27, 1935 
   Professor Aldo Leopold 
   College of Agriculture 
   University of W7isconsin 
   [adison, Wisconsin 
   Dear Professor Leopold: 
        Your letter and publication on the Bob Thite were very 
   much appreciated. I understand that you are instrumental in 
   organizing farmers to post their lands for better control of 
   game birds. Would you mind telling me some of the particulars 
   in this regard? 
        We have quite a problem here in the control of Bob White 
   hunting. I understand Wisconsin is securing some Federal 
   GovernLrent aid in projects whereby certain areas are set aside 
   as game breeding areas. Could you tell me how such cooperation 
   is secured or to whom I should write, etc.? 
        Arkansas has a large area of waste land which could be 
   made useful for that purpose and we are interested in securing 
   all the information we can. I understand, of course, that such 
   movements would need to go hand in hand with work of our own 
   state fish and game commission. Our closest problem is that 
   of the cooperative farm posting and I shall especially appreciate 
   any information you may care to give along that line. 
                                              Very truly yours, 
                                              E. F. Vestal 
   EFV:FK                                  Head of Biology Department