Mr. Trva 1,eabev 
Box 365 
Aluuoqe Now Mexic 
Dear Mr. Pebles 
        Tew TpvJo4 to a    1a~mst    one.  I t    you will 
finds -ch basic iaf**ustion.aled acowmate and roy for us. 
         AI to the rea1tob betweentock. grazi  and ga m, ym h 
£n~btl1ss oovaw ted the  n4a    m oosomam. r.*ws of the Fort 
Srvi. My o    matal piotm o is tat vrgun b livestoc Is 
   .U  mstudngfator, especilly on t*    winter rag  in tb  foohills 
whter           b*Wow species, if nt the grass itref,         b 
practiclly o1titsnt. I uow that In large itretches of comatr 
just north of Snta 1 % mOuntaln sgiW       in ll gn, and hen*  this 
r    has & ve w'7   carryin  pal   or deor. Te two tbhig is 
Jmeas,h      whi  still hAwe tir sdhgw, and that s wheo th 
         Part of this dge Is, of cwr, ontside th      forest 
boustaries on Isnten remteans #a& grants, 
         I think it emld &I o be well to look  the polic of S    in 
the orests aove tib line. T m mn d    s is st aidfensibl poli 
both from. the stMpoint of gin sa ero1sion. 
         As to waterow, I do not rember an particular possibilities* 
         Onte coyte qnetion I *an onlyrfget that yo get in 
touc~h with the Denver laboratoty of the U. S. Jiologiml uvy 
         I voul1 be 4&4A to have you__  back at me for az  additiona

questions on *th yo thin I coul help# 
                              yours sQnae"l7, 
                                    Alo L    ld 
                                In Chre   m  Reseamh