Copy for Files. Copies sent to Olin, Dodee, 
                           Wailer, Dill. Also copies of 
                           oriLjnal letter fromn Taylor. 
,ý&  MrTalors 
          I  ta*'W  ymr latr#* to  poselble 7011o*UP 
41 othw fator* in 0otw..    hs os   h  al~ 
  Un~erIty#n r~wet fiwti:. 1m41 forma *usr patl of tb 
e~wluI  antin to 4rm ur torthi et%.i4ý, itcol b4kapve 
in Afal f VI -wQSrVof Ar        &  In view of the lorwm~ 
of tbograxt nea1mlhip mV I *%,,s   htyuCpIn mind In 
cosiering possble rp.omw son       roioreewr trmine in uns 
  UOR67t~t.I U40       bet expai to:au I vol I"~ to wor*I la 
fla fornofte ingmerstrb 
       I am plw to k~ of Dr Y*1.e' Interes la thepojot 
  Itoraso wan me4 a                  mrs 
  w"',I hav jus meove.. d~flnit Offor toIblietrw    h 
     54'ýCivty ofI " -, b     ~eb tibs p With the Institut 
       "ry s-') en   %*'~thTV V, opr of It. 
       I an- da c~pt'. of yfrlebber be rwr if the Omms 
"'MMltt'0 Of the thtt4% SiSC tVIM rbe1 '00 '64   0Wo 
       With bet M*%ea 
                           YTast simsreI, 
                           AloI epod