April 16, 1141. 
Yrs. DlmJt       Leffingwell, 
Washineton State College, 
Pullman, Wshingwton. 
Dear Yrs. Leffingwell: 
           I heve recently received a letter from Rr. 
Leopold rentionin. your inquiry as to where'WRngvrian 
eE, c-n be obtained. I believe you will be tble to 
obtain wild e~gs durin the nestine season fro-n nests 
broken up in heyinC,quite readily. NestLnE begins 
before Yay 1 here and the first young hatch about June 
15. A ereat ntny nests are brotken up durlng lfalfa 
           Ust sun~rer 1'2 egs were 6athered up dur- 
ing the field work fro broken up nests, put in an 
incubator for several days and then transferred to the 
&tate GOme Faer at bason. I er told that 7M of these 
           I believe Supertaker Lont of the Stte 
Game Farm at lason, Ivchiiean, will be ged to give 
you some ~hints on raisin Hugrians as they hfive 
raised 70 or so durin      last two yeirs. 
           The' wardens in the go00 Fun  striets should 
be able to get the e    from the fa        w4'ut a 
notice in the pepers last year. 
                           Very truly youra, 
                           R.Es  Yeatter, 
                           Research Associate.