HOUSE BILL No. 274. 
   AN ACT to amend section 7, of chapter 178, of the laws of 1926, so as

       to change the season for the hunting of squirrels. 
     SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of 
   Mississippi, That section 7, chapter 178 of the laws of 1926, be and 
   the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: 
Game--what is. 
     Section 7.  (a)  The following wild animals shall be classed as 
   game: Bear, beaver, deer, fox, opossums, raccoons, rabbits and 
Fur-Bearing animals-What are, 
     (b)   The following game and other animals shall be classed as 
   fur-bearing animals: Beaver, fox, muskrats, opossum, otters, rac- 
   coons, rabbits, skunks, weasels and minks, but fur-bearing pelts 
   may be shipped to market during open season and for five days 
Game-Open season and bag limit on. 
     (c) The open season and bag limit on game shall be as follows: 
     Bear, from November 1st to February 28th,, season bag limit-. 
     Beaver, no open season shall be allowed on beaver until after 
   January 1st, 1930, nor shall their dams and houses be needlessly 
   destroyed. Deer, from November 15th to February 15th, day's 
   bag limit-one; season's bag limit-.three; provided, that no doe 
   or spotted fawn be killed at any time and that deer shall not be 
   hunted at night. 
     Hares and rabbits may be hunted at any time, except as prohib- 
   ited by section 2 (a). Opossum may be hunted from October 1st 
   to January 15th. Squirrels may be hunted from October 1st to 
   January 1st; day's bag limit, 15. Wild cats may be hunted at 
   any time. 
     There shall be no open season on fox. It shall be unlawful to 
   scare, drive, force, or dig one out of the ground, or to scare, knock

   or shoot one out of a tree, or to fell a tree on which there is a fox,

   provided, however, it shall be lawful to chase a fox with hounds, 
   or allow hounds to kill them on the ground in chase, from August 
   1st to March 1st. 
     The open season on raccoons shall be from November 15th to 
  February 1st. 
Fur-Bearing Animals-open season for. 
     (d)  The open season for fur-bearing animals, except as pro- 
  vided for in section 4 (c) shall be from December 1st to February 
     However, the proprietor of a musk rat preserve, where musk rats 
  are propagated by such proprietor for commercial purposcs, aird 
  for which is paid a privilege tax to operate, may trap sutch musk 
  rats on such preserve, during the months of December, January. 
  and February.