Copy to Mr. Gigstead 
                                                              Dec. 13, 1932

Mr. William Collins 
90h Test Buildi n 
India~npiolis, Indianaa 
Dear Mr. Collins: 
Throw7h our mutual friend, Gilbert (ligstea(d., I lhve received yoar Inquiry

as to whether I w-old accept, if offered, the Job of conservation director

in Indiana. 
I am afraid that I could not give you any such aigurance without a great

deal more knowled-e of the situation than I now have.  In a general -ay,

I can say that it would take an extremely attractive onportunity to induce

me to give up my present line of conmltirv work in favor of an aminis- 
trative Job. 
In tai-kng over with Glistead the pomsibilty that I m.iht be of some use

to Indiania, it hlad not even ocourred to me that any permanent position

s under discussion.   1hat I T d in mlnd was whether my serves would be 
worth your while in orgnilzin  v and trainIn- a gam personl. I  as comn-

silderig only a tep-orary cxxalussion, if a, of the nsae sort as I h.1 
in iowa. 
My sugres;tion to 'Ligtead -v-s ha-ed3 on the repnort thati a changve In
sonnel is to take place and that accordAinly you wo id hve a lot of new 
and untrained men -io !ould get their stridge more quio1ay if o   red 
some initial advice on a-  finistr;tive policies w ed out in oter states.

I would be interest-e in such a !ictlon, and in regard to my capacity 
for performing it, I would refer oua to Dr. 7. C. 7oone, chaimnan of the

Iowa Fish and      Coniiss ion. Before  miittin   mself to een a 
taemorIry piece of work, however, I wold first   at assrances as to 
the kind of new personnel avail -ble to wor - th1 
In short. I am interested in a conslting Job helping to organze and 
orient your loeal staff, provided, on inspectlon they appear to be ood 
mterial to   ork wth, bt I am n2t Interested in any, er mnent job, 
althogaTh I mi-ht become so if it lter  roed that your st te offers 
exce-tional opportnities for accomplishment. 
                                      Yours snerely, 