Rathburn,,apparently  a sincere believer in such matters,    . 
certainly very friendly to other agenciesinterested in game, and, 
to us, but under the vicious county system, he had little power 
or functions.                                                    ",

                 The Biol. men here in Ore., that is, Jewett 
and Steel, are very good men , in my opinion. Bach, in Wash. is 
a big, fat, genial horse.doctor, from MKont. with many years exper- 
-ience in the Marines, China, and elsewhere. Good-natured, but 
pretty heavy mentally, as well as physically.   Our relations in 
Wash., i.e., between our supervisors and local county game people 
are uniformly good, as well as with this office. Rowley, of the 
state assn. is also very friendly with us. We recently fixed up 
a series of short radio talks on fires and game for him, at his 
            Is there a chance that you will be coming out this way ? 
I surely hope so. You know there is a meeting at Seattle the latter 
part of August--international, I believe, mainly on fish, -but with 
a joint meeting on game. Granger and Kavanagh, I suppose will be 
there, and I also 'a ve been invited, and hope to be able to make it 
since I am  scheduled for all of August in t1- stateof Wash. 
  "Will you-job take you around much ? or is it a sedentary one ? 
I suppose that there will be some clear-cut publicity about 
it. I believe that the point must be made clear as to w     the 
arminition and small arms people are financing this movement; it 
may readily be misunderstood by the average man, you know, as 
more propoganda. Public utility and propaganda will be much in the 
limelight for the next six mos., or longer, and other movements, 
howeve, laudable, may suffer also, if theyhave a taint of what 
the newspaper-reading public may come to ink of as shady. 
     My European trip was a flpp. There were not enough registered 
to makeit feasible; 35 was the minimum set. So my plan to stop by 
Madison either going or returning falls through, and so also, my 
immediate interest in the Madison PR job.   The "Belch Bill" will

probably help things greatly here as elsewhere; we know positively 
little tho' as what it will really do--after "cCarl's ukases. 
     There has been a plethora of former D-3 men here of late: 
Loveridge, then Kircher, and now Marsh; Shepard comes in Oct. 
      You spoke rather clearly and succinctly to 7r. Thompson on 
Wilderness Areas, I see.   My big objection to W.A. is that the 
principle too nearly approaches the .national park idea, and is 
away from forestry. Forestry is not esthetics, is not "natural 
areas", nor wilderness areas, per se, but the putting to use, and 
commercial use at that , of all the resources of the forest. We are 
too ruch ge ting away from the -real forestry idea in this country, 
and more and more making the national forests into half-baked 
national parks. Doing this, simply increases the present-day 
confusion in the public mind, and even pseudo-scientific minc1d,of 
the Van !Names and others. We shall have wilderness areas for many 
yeaq s in the national forests, simply because utilization will not 
have reached them, blt when this does, use with   replenfishmient, 
should follow.   We need game management on the forests, just as 
we need tree management, range management, recreation management, 
water panagement, --all based on the principle of use  , not 
tieing up solely for one use if other uses are possible there. 
The old principle of greatest use must be followed. W e shall come 
to the leasing of hunting and fishing -privileges on the forests, 
just as Europe has done. We should, I agree,  have certain areas