JaMar    16,  9)31 
!r. J.. .       r 
Division of Yorestry 
'W.eortmnt of Oonser7atioi 
Indienapoliu, Iwliazm 
Dear 'r. XYlor: 
       I x ienlixV you flve ooie    of the Graoe 'olicy. 
       m.ý repJort on the %cmro~i~v is noT onl the -,rezn 
11you will 7e par            omet    in   ar  or Ap-ril. 
      Svery ic inde            for taie     t   a p'icture 
I will hold tzei for a llttle rii1e If yo1 dont     n    as 
I zua wait ix for cert ain thrs.   It was thoxightfli1 of 
You to suit!l thlese. 
      "Iff1V bejst r~