only, zauh as the 7llinois River Valley andi tihe 2rie arshes. 
In this Case tc e opening ti  !iWht better be i"ioved up to 
Seven o'ClOloI. LAUch a regulation will eet with- the gerai 
app rov,;o   of the ju'i vte cl   n  the coii4er ial day sho1t in 
Daoes. Tile better place alreedy preatia, even   orter shoot- 
ing ixourt and I. ould give 6n o4ortunlity  o get at the out- 
iaw. Lualh a law would be enforceable, and aor   oplish the 
pur)po of meeting the obJeetions to biting and feedin- to 
a large ;easure fa_ would met with th eo-)-eratlon of those 
    A regulation which un have sug~t~d is a zglntion to 
prohibit pottin birds on the grond. Lils would be   c good 
thing if it could be enforced but the enforcement would be 
difficult and no zreulation is hotter than unenforceable 
reg'uat ion, 
    Lihere is need f~or coopei~tion beL cen the state arnd ff~dersl 
off iers. Tae writer Under ten a that 4he Diireotor 7ve or1ers 
for the state men to stay a~ rri iOfe    ul' enbc~ 
Creecih wOUld not ap'oint t;he 'eputaes tie ireetor wýated but 
appointed aoii en wron Thompson oppesed. The state w~ardens 
vre inometent for the moot part and apparently pI   y little 
attention lto waterto~l vlitiont for the   t pert. :a lon 
a5 8UCh conditions exist it will be herd to et any re1Clation 
enforced and  heCre will be a lare number of vIolatilo1. 
    aumra seea to be prevalent of trapping but no con seeou 
to be able to put his finer on it. 
    tallarJ, p1ot uis r ~win neal and wooddUea are more 
nuerua then last year as re t1~e bluewirig teal *lthe there 
was practically no shooting on the latter beceuse of th~e laee 
open season. 
    In spite of th)e Larg haber of birds around the shooting 
aas not been particularly eO~d bec~use of the weather eondit~ns 
and the thot that t1 birds have been wor~ings mol:e at ni~ht 
du'ing the fNl. of the moon, Shootin has been particularly 
poor in the field pens and kills have been :relativeiy smII. 
    iaterfocling is en iw~ort~ant ooonoimte faeto~r in the Illin~ois 
Valley from A~~to heri~4sis eu~iying soe Z.C4 or mre eien, 
affording a r:aret for about 00,O00 buo eta of coin much of 
w~ich is a poorer grade. About a quarter of t la a:mint is 
raised by the clubs on Pei  onproperty.   Xe club property 
taxes maintain t1e school districts, to a large extent.