Yr. Aldo Leopo1A -2- 
six three to five thousan acre ares ir each of the three states    ! be cen-

sused.  In &"dition to t'he ix areas done by the w1rens in this
state we will 
make the regualar census at loquet an a 5000 acre census in Itasca State
One 0f the war~en censuses will be on nl a~iacent an imiler area .just out-

sicde the park, these t'Ao areas differing only in tht one 'il1 be open to
ing ýurinr any open season, the other is 'e-anently close'. 
          A~narent~y KX' i at last on th roa +o -ecoverv but we still nea/

of it rith our 'ingers crosseS. Believe me, her -'other an@ I haven't yet
ed from those dats an nihts e ,aYt   in the hos+ita! hopin t e Totors w-ere

wro-g.  They - nt un~erstn   >er recovery any more than they sir     er
          I will let you know as soon as I have '-nything efinite from thr
Will yo  remember my fellows in connection -ith any tnoý'rv su-mer
you may hear about? We rou-i all appreciate it. 
                                    As ever, 
                                    S.A.A.X. I. Fellow 
RTK-s-b                             University of 'innesota. 
G uk  &f 4 AAMLd  t 
--aC7- !0  1932