on the life and vitality of the birds themselves, their 
susceptibility to inbreeding and disease, and the con- 
trol of predators. The other is, of cooreo, what effect 
these concentrations will have on shooting outside the 
areas* Naturally, if we were laying out gaae preserves 
an game preserves, we would be able to control the area 
and, generally, conditions surrounding them; but being 
Comaunity Pastures, we, of course, have to accept the 
situation on that basics 
           The Annual Convention of our Fish and Game 
League will be held toward the end of June; and I wish 
to be able to present the Convention with some authority 
on this qaestion.  I am quite sure the sportsmen would 
all be grateful to you if you would assist us in this 
                           Yours truly, 
                           R. X. Tumbull, l.O., 
PJIM/flL                    1/0 Organi satiou. 
M&~v 9- 1939.