I have ample Jata to prove that published- inforiation on the 
 "\estern limit of buffalo in New Mexico is all wrong, ana that buffalo

 v4ent much further west than usually supposed. 
      There also se,3ms to be a great eifference between early Spanish 
 times and the early years of the American occupation; the buffalo 
 extending further Jest in Spanish tines. 
      Specific information as to the occurrence of buffalo is particu- 
 larly desired- as to the following regions and any information as to 
 dwte of occurrence will acl: to the value of the data 
       (a) San Luis Valley ecva to Taos 
       (b) Upper Rio Grande Valley between !lbuquerque and Santa Fe 
       (0) Rio Granee Valley ane adjacent plains from Albuquerque 
           to El Paso. 
       (d) Plains country from Movntainair to Carrizozc 
       (e) Crow Flat country west of the Guadalupes. 
       4nother interesting question is the extent to which buffalo ranged

 into the higher mo1.,itains. The only rtata at hand 4vicates that ol! 
 bulls wandered much higher than the regular herds.   In reporting 
 skulls found in mountain regions, it vwoulV be valuable to know whether

 they appear to be bull skulls. 
 (2) Embers. 
     It is. certain that straggling herds -nd inc'wviduals occurred 
much further West than the main body of buffalo.    Therefore infor.-.- 
tion from old timers as to relative abmnCanoe in any part of eew 'e7 -.w

in which buffalo occurred, together with the date of the informaticn, 
will be especially valuable.