(Inclosed "Opportunities for Game Research in Wisconsin") 
                                                      Soils Building 
                                                      October 24, 1933 
Mr. Charles ]Uton 
University Museum 
Oxford, Zgland 
Dear Elton: 
           It was good to get a line frm you, Tanks for the good word 
 on the book. 
           I share your belief that 1934 might be too early for another cycle

 conference, except from the viewpoint of arousing interest in and spport

 for research. For my part, I feel as if I had done nothing on cycles since

 the last one. All work so far has been pot-bolling--for a living. From 
 now on I have the chance, at least, of starting some research. 
          Te now crash is all about us--it seems to have started during 
 the ummer. or possibly earlier in case of snowshoes. It exhibits the 
 same spotty character as the previous one. A Nspot" starts with the
 pearance of one species. There I bunted (Wood County) the chickens were

 half gone but ruffed grouse and cottontail still very abundant. 
          There is the same antecedent OirruptionO of quail. 
          My one research mza--$chidt.--has sent Green a dozen dead and 
one slok grouse-.from the latter Green Is said to have killed guinea pigs

both with tick infasin and body fluids. 
          I hope some of the Canadians are collecting the facts about the

invasion of Ontario last winter by sharptails. I mad about it only in 
the newspapers. 
                                         Tours sincerely, 
                                                 .AilDO LEOPOLD 
                                                   Gams Manager 