A. L. --2 
          I suggested your name at the last monthly 
 meeting of our Executive Committee and they were all 
 unanimous in wanting me to ask you to attend the 
 conference this year and tell us something of interest 
 from the part of the world which we seem very far away 
 from.     I thought perhaps you could give an informal 
 talk on what your state surveys have meant to the 
 sportsmen, and even more important, give a resume of 
 the various types of experiments with sportsmen and 
 landowners as you have seen them at first hand. 
         We would be glad to pay your expenses if this 
is necessary. 
         I understand that you are no longer working 
for the Institute.    I am sorry to hear this as I 
hoped you would keep on with the survey work at least 
for a year or two more. 
                        Sicreyyours       _ 