424 University Farm Place

                                                    June 20, 1940 
Prof. Rudolf Bennitt 
Zoology Department 
University of Missouri 
Columbia. Missouri 
Dear Rudolf s 
          I am glad to know that your plans are taking shape. My list 
of men whom I can endorse without qualification as meeting all of your 
requirements is still the same, namely Starker, Hawkins,, Hamersrom, and

Hochbaun. I am giving you the following up-to-date developments. 
          Hamerstam. The University unexpectedly has cut off my support 
for the prairie ohicken investigation. This means that we wust wind up 
our work as soon an possible after July 1 as we can get our papers in shape.

the Wisconsin Commission will probably make a bid for Mamerstrom. This, of

course, would have the advantage of enabling hi* to continue with his prairie

chicken work in this state. The University of Manitoba had started a private

subsoription to employ Hamerutrom, but the war situation has out off any

expansion there. Our oommission is always a little slow in their technical

recruiting. I think, therefore, that you would have some chanoe of interesting

Hamerstrom, and if you want to open negotiations, you can address him at

Plainfield, Wisconsin. I would suggest that you have a personal interview

with him during your trip here in August, preferably in the field. In order

to interest him I think the set-up would have to allow considerable time

on prairie chicken research because he has his heart set on the ultimate

production of an authoritative work on this species. 
          I forgot to mention that Hamerstrom also has a chance to get his

chicken work funded by the National Research Council Committee on Psyoho-

Biological Research. Dr. 1. K. Meyer of our endocrinology department has

become much interested in the mating display of chickens in relation to 
endocrines. If you have a strong set-up in endocrinology it is thinkable

that this venture, if approved, might go ahead in Missouri rather than here.

          Ias - . Hawkins' productivity in Illinois continues full-speed

ahead, and I now consider him as second only to Stoddard in his combination

of field skill and sound human qualities. Tour problem with Hawkins would

still be the same, namely the difficulty of pulling him away from an almost

perfect set-up in Illinois. 
          H"b     . Since writing you, the Delta Duok Station has been

definitely finanoed for three years, and Hoohbaum has been made director.

Rochbanm would insist on an opportunity to do waterfowl work just as Rmoerstrom

would insist' on an opportunity to do chicken work.