OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 
Hon. Presidents 
Lieut.-Gov. A. P. McNab 
Judge A. E. Bence 
W. G. Ross, K.C., M.L.A. 
Hon. Vice-President 
Hon. W. F. Kerr 
Immediate Past President 
C. H. Niles, Saskatoon 
  Dr. J. R. Hoag, Regina 
  W. M. Rutherford, Moose Jaw 
  E. Howe, Battleford 
  W. Macguire, Moose Jaw 
  E. H. M. Knowles, Regina 
Executive Committee 
  Officers and Presidents of 
  All Local Branches 
34 Canada Life Bld6., 
Regina, Saskatchewan, 
May 9, 1939, 
Prof. Aldo Leopold, 
Madison, Wiscoibin. 
Dear Sirs 
            Your name was referred to ma by Mr. T. C. 
Main as one who could give us scae advise in reference 
to the effect of large game preserves on upland game; 
and I wuld appreciate very mush your kindness in 
this matter. 
            There are being established In Saskatchewan 
a large number of what are known as Community Pastures, 
which will be fenced; and they are being made into 
game preserves, as naturally they would be, by reason 
of their occupation by stock. Individual pastures 
vary from a few thousand acres to 100,000 acres; and 
it is anticipated that the aggregate area in various 
parts of the province will ultimately reach three 
millio# acres. 
            We are faced with the problem of determin- 
Ing what effect these preserves will have on o= upland 
game - which consists principally at the present time 
of prairie chicken and Hangarian partridge, although 
we are ezperimenting with the introduction of Chukker 
(kw. ia the 
There are two viewpoints that interest us. 
effect of concentrations in those large areas 
"Propagate, Protect and Conserve Our Game"