FORM 19019 L 
            EsrTABUShED 802 
SPORTING POWDER DIVISION                          Lewiston Idaho, 
   EARL A. FRY                                    April 7-1929 
   BOX 1894  SEATTLE 
   Lr Aldo Leopold, 
   421 Chemistry Building, 
   M[adison, Wis, 
   Yr Leopold; 
   Trust you will pardon my delay in taking care of your recent letters 
   to me but this is the first time I have had for at least a couple of 
   weeks to catch up and then too I wished to talk with Dr Leffingwell 
   before returning the letters you sent me to read over. 
   I visited the Washington State College kriday of last week and found 
   them all "hopped up" over the possibility of a fellowship being
   lished there. 
   They seemed to be pretty much worried as to the proper hook-up on this

   with the man they have in mind, Miller, he, as I understand it, finish-

   ing his course this season. 
   Leffingwell advises that he does not wish to hold him at the College 
   with this work in view and then not have it go thru. On the other hand

   they are of the opinion that Miller will obtain a co-,zission in some

   other territory and not be available when they want him. 
   According to tour correspondence with Leffingwell it might be well into

   August when hi wo ld come out here for a survey of the proposition. 
   Leffingwell advises that he intends going East during the summer months,

   there to take up work with some school and perhaps would not be back in

   tirme to see Mr Stoddard. 
   4ays he expects to leave for New York state about June 15th. He asks if

   he could arrange to interview Stoddard in Washington or some other point

   to take up certain information which bW Stoddard might wish. 
   Please furnish me with as moch infornation as you can along the lines
   what I have mentioned above. 
   As to the maps. I am working up the Oregon map as you request. I have

'the birds in Western Washington on the map sent 