""PR MOLf 
             FSTABUSHED 1802 
SPORTING POWDER DIVISION                July 25s 1929 
       Mr. Aldo Leopold 
       421 Chemistry Bldg. (U.W.) 
       Madison, Wisconsin 
       My dear Leopold: 
                       Heyward has Just come up from his district 
       in the south and has brought some interesting figures on 
       the take of game in Virginia and a comparison of the seasons 
       1927-28 with 1928-29. I am copying the figures on this take 
       for you. These are advance figures, as far as '28 and '29 
       are concerned and should not be publicized until Virginia has 
       had an opportunity of publishing them her self. The interest- 
       ing part of this report is that the increase of game in 
       Virginia, with the exception of woodcock, clapper rail and 
       snipe, has been entirely in the migratory bird class. All 
       native game, except some species usually trapped, show a 
                        This result is somewhat interesting inasmuch 
       as Virginia has a rather progressive game administration and 
       is doing some good work. Of course at this distance it Is 
       impractical to draw any conclusions from these reports because 
       of the fact that the decrease this year may be due more largely 
       to a better censto system than anything else. 
                        With further reference to my suggestion with 
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obtains in North Carolina, that 0ol. Harrison, a new man in 
charge of the Commission, appears progressive and active and 
is looking for advice. He does not know very much of what 
is going on and might, of course, carry out any suggestions 
that you care to offer. This entirely for your information 
and such action as you might care to take, as I do not know 
in any way the practicability of your carrying out any sug- 
gestions I may have made. 
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