Cpper Lfmer 
                                   Published by Arthur Capper 
                                                                TOPEKA, KANSAS

                                                                May 20, 1936

                   Professor Aldo Leopold, Director 
                   Wisconsin Game Department 
                   University of Wisconsin 
                   Madison, Wisconsin 
                   Dear Professor Leopolds 
                        In the spring of 1934 I had some correspondence 
                   with you in regard to your efforts in behalf of game 
                   conservation and the management of wild life in a way

                   which would result in benefit to the farmer. 
                        If you have continued the work since that time 
                   it would seem to me that you possibly have gathered 
                   together information which you could put into an 
                   article on this subject of vary material interest to 
                        It would be particularly interesting to us if in

                   such an article you could present the experience of an

                   actual farmer or several farmers, who have put some of

                   the ideas you recommend into practice on their farms.

                        I would be pleased to have you prepare an article

                   of 1,000 to 1,500 words and supply five or six good 
                   photographs that would help get your idea across, and

                   submit them to me in the near future. Of course we 
                   will pay our regular rates for the story and for the 
                        I will appreciate it if you will let me have your

                   reaction to this suggestion in the near future. 
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