low Soils Buldn 
            11,, 103 
Mr. -P* A eUv 
Nationa Mam  of am 
        I a m   plese to hr f    y   ilan 
embarrtoo at suc ua4w.e iwmra as my putn Norwa    Crid4o's 
persnal eopy -*or* it will 'b aoto4 upo   *u14~ my ghting as 
a zac7n edition evr    m   to pass. I prtm1ar regrt this beese 
I had a hi&, admirtie~on for Crid4les wor. 
         I am ~Inesely intwrst4d in yor rs,~rt that thie sharpta1l 
flight of 193 ws mostly 1es. This; ri m   that n  of Zot? 
Ss           t havo -Ymblt*d an a@oin of thie phe n. I 
leare of it only through thet orpapers. It ness of mich eh47& 
ordinar tworta@@  at        "uld assemble al tM known fao. 
may I tal- th  liberty of Sooedn       ot urgently at- you 4o this? 
My gra~iats staen, ?wmstktn Schmit$ mho has 'been stding dratir 
chekps    ad z-arptiUs for five 7ears ani who w1i1 blni to 'sbb.11nh 
this wtor, r0l1 lik vy      mudh to elto your aae@ut of this exra-* 
ordinary' phxmw, May I not bay       vrassves tUW£    t you will 
         Looking forwrard to sefAE yo inU "IeINw Yor*. 
                                 Aý,Ido Leopol 
                              Ix, h~g, GQ Reeaomh