w                           w                      2 
                                          (February 22, 1937.) 
Without warning, an explosion occurred in the snow in front 
of him, as a partridge and two weasels burst out of a snow- 
bank. Apparently, he snapped the shutter instinctively and 
the animals must have been within 10'.  In the picture, one 
of the weasels has spotted him, the other is in full leap 
after the bird, which the first one has just been fastened 
to. The bird was still alive when Joe grabbed for the weasels, 
although he missed them. The bird's throat was, however, 
neatly slashed. All three of these animals were under the 
snow and completely out of sight as Joe approached.   rjs 
an action picture, I believe this is unique. 
          Picture No.  0s   3 Joe swinging his axe to kill 
"a timber-wolf. Slow     t r peed practically makes this 
"a failure, but the Wit  (r/jndicated. 
                              Yours very truly, 
FNagler: BE 