actually mea-sured, but from measur'ements =mde- on the "Deer Pasture",
is believed that a fairly accurate estimate has been obtained. 
          Distribution of deer days as to months is as follows: 
                Prior to December 1 ............ 
                December................... .. . -.11i6 
                Janzary ......................... .. 118 
                February .......................... 253 
                March..................  ... ..... 10011- 
         .The distribution of use here indicated is believed to apply 
very nearly to conditions as they existed: on all the low winter range. 
Using the period November 30 to March 31 as a basis, the average (eer 
days use per dzay is -nproximately !0. 
          The following table shows the number. of deer days use and de-

gree of utilization of the chief forage species, between intervals of 
                 Estima:.ted Degree of Utilization, Per cent 
No. deer days use :     312      :    13Q     :   1151 
Date examined      :   Jan. 24   :  Feb. 23   :   April 1  :Final Est. 
Browse species:   L 
Bitterbrush        :    10-30    :   30-50    :   50-70    :    60 
Gray ChrysothaunmTis:   10-.30   :   10-30   ,:   20-40    :    30 
Sage               :     0-10         0-10    .   10-30    . . 15 
Balstonroot              0-10    :   10-30    :   10-30    :    20 
Mtn. Mahogogny     :    10-30    :  .10-3Q    :   30-50    :    40 
Forsellesia        :    10,30    :   10-30    :   10-30    :    15 
Douglas Fir        :     0-10    :   10-30    :   10-30    :    20 
Aspen              :     0-10    :    0-10    :    0-10    :    10 
Green Clrysothoimnus     0-10    :    0-10    :    0-10    :    5 
           At this time, early April, the "Count Area"- is receiving
 is probably its heaviest use. There -ae from 50-70 deer on the area 
 almost continuously. 
           Count records show that use began to increase rapidly about 
 February 20, and continued to increase throujhout March. 
           Using the figures of the final estimate, 1593 deer days use 
 required approximately 11.1 forage acres of forage, again disregarding 
 the 7mount of grass takcen. The ratio of deer days to forage acres is 
 considerably lower in this case than in that of the "Deer Pasture".

 This again raises the question of whether or not counts made on small 
 creas m-y result in too large a number of deer days per unit of area. 