Th# ets it ofti~A~c  e knt, to eno .z o  tit.ý ix ver

          ~ ~*th~t ~h. .4r.~~nt~      ,1ot s0 
               mit.~ ~rpe~t~i #4U teat~ne  i.dd  iefrenirely t 
           tkt 4~iqaof ~.ein ad t t~*irfore f c~-,ten~t 
AA~v. tte    lo. 'wrt   t 1v obi~lm iueslvie to introd~ 
now hn.t4eaod deer         ,ud~ht qii tell 0,juntedj raa .aay of 
LtAK best te pi.u at  1-Ald ,,i :a .ý tt ,i. 
    ti*opn on. hi.L h  no# biee~n: rfo 1 or> cloer., ceteb an n,!  berir

to y~tod beatter 4'pkr o. e   -ov,. of thp ch'restlnut on the, pr"-i~ent
  rA)Pt et erien. s trI&u. s4p! Ie a it ,,nly  ý,brwe  t t~he
i,-g.rtan  u 
  )0(1 for pitiI h  er i~e~     conditiofn in, the fll. Iitl*t 14 
  po~blet4 into te eInxu-,,in, -avahrn-g #4 cty of cetu,   ra 
      m4 ut  f ~chi. er r very fo-nd. T'hisw is Lmcto  ~u 
      clid enr              jieoe gh rv very oqluebbe ieer fo4,,J l)vr are

mri beýr -in a .e  tal~reof wb~    b  eraever,, jfoý 
-)f thes ol rwo  h   we elee vh pott~     ii .1o; eI,, or 
      ti n a dero foo,i Vie Jrler vniýa4 ie va 4ow Andczeei. ress

soa fer asposil t"'a -rofset etv, if ve1tai*     60ol b  i~tle I I 
      ~ohtws a a ~r od eeii i        elk di ce    r tie 
           ~nedwher ttw t~ad nop~ ~rr ~ mmni~4n3U~al  f~  ja.s 
  i~~~LockFT" th                    Iteen Fl.h nhtudrcrflo rA_ iAn,
011 wh.en the