414 Grand Ave. 
                                  Laramie, Wyo. 
                                  Oct. 14, 1934 
Dr. Aldo Leopold 
In Charge, Game Research 
fept. Agri., U. of Wis. 
Madison, Wis. 
Dear Dr. Leopold: 
Thank you very much for the Biological Science Bulletin 
number two. I have read the first forty-seven pages 
and find it to be very interesting and suggestive. 
I am enclosing two pictures of sage cocks that I wish you 
to keep. I am oarticularly proud of the one where the 
rooster is standing. We completely surprised each other. 
I snapped the picture just a few seconds before he flew. 
I had my camera set for one hundredth of a second so 
fortunately the oicture is not blurred. 
I believe that I have better pictures than these two, but 
they-are of younger birds, consecuently tamer birds. I 
thought you would like one of the cooks since it is quite 
difficult to obtain good pictures of them in the field. 
I certainly hope that funds will be available for me to 
continue the sage hen investigation early in the spring. 
i am enjoying my stues very much. In reading your most 
interesting Game Survey of the North Central btates, I 
noticed in the preface that you said the universities 
of Mich., Minn., and Wis., offered fellowships in relation 
to Game Management. 
May I ask you just what the nature of these fellowships are? 
I intend to take my doctors degree under you at the U. of Wis. 
It may be a couple of years before I get there, but I will 
be there sooner or later. 
Thank you again for the interest and kindness you have shown. 
Geo. L. Girard