No. 12. Y. V. +Lehuann: Fenced areas for bobwhites. Ip. J-- 
             Original not esen. 
           No. 1.3. Tmn. J. Tuckr: Fishing in Texas.  2lpp.; 193$ Org 
           No, 1i4. Anon. : A short list of wildlife publications With se

             gart to Texas. 3Qp. ; October, 1935. 
No. 15.          Da  V. Lay  Fu teeouees of eastern Teas.  lpp.; 7e 
     /No. 16. Yagne1         temn     The heath he of the south. itv+ 
             July, 1939. 
SV         JO. 17. Talgen V. Le    :  Habitat improvements for quail. 
              October, 1939 rvised FebruaryF, l9~l. 
           No. 18. 
       S   No. 19. Daniel V. Lay     Mageent of fur-bearing animas on T 
V         No. 20. bouli H. lkr: letter quail shoting in east Texa. 
              September, 19O. 
         No. 21. lu.rch Carson: Man the greatest enm of desert bigher 
              sheep. 23pp-; l94l. 
       v'No. 22. Hubert R. Siegler: Dnwok food nureries for laes n 
           No. 23. Rollin H. lak Zr The bullfrog / A Texas wild lfe resa

             JTpp.; Janar, !912 
 SNo. 2. Maion Tool,: 1Utiliiing~stock tankse and farm ponds fo 
             )&pe. n.d. 
SNo. 25. 0. lrl Fre an             Daie V. La: Fuor resouces an       u