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    1. XIl. 31 
Dr. Aldo Leopold 
  Game Surv ey 
    905 University Avenue 
       Madison, Wis. 
Dear Leopold, 
             Your letter of the 17tl acknowledging reoipt of my 
little book, emote my conscience, for I have nefwr written to 
thank you for your very generous gift of your own work wnich, al- 
though greatly appreciated, is appreciated only less than your 
very kind inscription. Please accept my thanks and gratitude. The 
reason I have been so long in writing tnIs is because the last few 
weeks of my crow experiments have kept me on the constant hop and I 
have been going short of food and sleep alike and nave cut out 
everytning that did not absolutely have to be done. The birds are 
now out - shipped soutn by plane - and I am anxiously awaiting the 
returns. Wonder what they will all do? 
                       Yours very sinerely, 
     Aek. 1/5/32, eoomenting on book.