424 Uitversity Farm Plaeo 
                                       Septeber 20, 1940 
Mr. L. P. Vaw 
Gan, forestation 4 Pst COstsslo 
         IftgOMAI& alsgo is staringtwo uplan gait [ rj 
uae Pittan-Rbotsons oem *a prairi ohekn &M         the other 
em pheasants. Th Dqprtent ha. ta~      or to neoitn wit 
         ,ho Depatmemt has -o yet close, ho~wer, w~it oe. 
 of W 'beat maw, Fredei* 1. Hamrtrow, Jr. He to an *V 
 both in prairie eickms and pheasants. Tm       adres   hi at 
 Plainfield, Wiescning *.er hetinno oupeod In flo44 work 
 I amroos  a hIm as*m a1to or botte thanswI& timlwaw a&1 
 Ing, having bonee gaged in ftll-tine field wor for five yeasw 
 In lovs, and the* In Wisconsin on p~rrie chickus. 
         Shoul yo  W1 to eosoest with Haesrm I bx. 
ems other mnof lesser training, but he is still probably 
ahead of i&&t ym ul get from the averg saol    This 
to 2ites bksswlts, and yo  a"e dss Ide s im Iswes, of the 
stat. e    OWNam, ?qmsotte, Wlseessin. Atseadt is~ anve 
orithologist IR addition to havin   & faily  oo  field 
1wwlede of Upladsam especies. 
         Is personaiIq both a ae  evrthn that you, eeulA 
                         Sincerely your, 
                              Aldo Lpld 
                       lwrfessor of 'Wjldlift s"OmgM4