Stoddard, H. L. 1931.   The bobwhite quail. Charles Scribner's Sons, 
                        New York. $6.oo 
Leopold, Aldo. 1931. A report on a game survey of the north central 
                        states. American Game Association, Investment 
                        Building, Washington, D. C. $1.00 
Phillips, J. C. and Lincoln, F. C. 1930. American waterfowl; their 
                        present situation and the outlook for their 
                        future. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston. 
                        $- 50 
Maxwell, Aymer. 1911. Partridges and partridge manors. Adam and 
                        Charles Black, London. (American agents--The 
                        MacMillan Company, 60 Fifth Avene, New York) 
Maxwell, Aymer. 1913. Pheasants and covert shooting. Adam and Charles 
                        Black, London. (American agents--same as above).

Page, Richard. 1925. New ways with partridges. The Field Press Ltd., 
                        Windson House, 3ream's Building, London. 
Seton, 3. T. 1929. Lives of game animals. Doubleday, Doran & Company.

                        9 vol$* 
Miner, Jack. 1923. Jack Miner and the birds.    The Ryerson Press, Toronto.

Proceedings of the American Game Conference - last two or three years. 
Leopold's "Game Management" when available. 
Reprints of the Game Survey and Institute fellowships. 
The Wilson Bulletin. A magazine of field ornithology published by the 
          Wilson Ornithological Club, Siouz City, Iowa. $1.50 per year. 
American Game. Official magazine of the American Game Association, 
           Investment Building, Washington, D. C. $2.00 per year. 
The Flicker. Organ of the Iowa Ornithologists Union.