  1 and duties conferred upon the State Game and Fish Warden by all 
  2 previous statutes now in force, not in conflict with this Act. 
  3   The Commission shall have authority to prohibit all hunting in 
  4 periods of extreme forest fire danger, at such times and places as 
  5 may be necessary to reduce the danger of destructive forest fires. 
  6   The hunting, pursuing, capturing, killing or wounding, of any 
  7 game animals, bird or fish in or upon any game refuge, rest ground, 
  8 or closed water, or closed area, or during any closed season estab- 
  9 lished or proclaimed by the State Game Commission in accordance 
  10 with the authority herein conferred, shall constitute a misdemeanor

  11 and shall be punishable as prescribed by this Act. 
  12  Sec. 8. All refuges, sanctuaries, rest grounds, and closed lakes or

  13 streams, or closed portions of lakes or streams, shall be conspicuous-

  14 ly posted with posters setting forth their purpose and the penalties

  15 for violating the rules and regulations applicable to them. Not less

  16 than fifteen days before any refuge, sanctuary, rest ground or clos-

17 ure of waters becomes effective, publication shall be made as pro- 
18 vided in Section 11 of the boudnaries of such refuge, rest ground and

19 closed water, such boundaries to be accurately designated by defin- 
20 ing topographic features, fences, roads, rails, or survey lines. Such

21 posting and publication shall constitute full and sufficient legal no-

22 tice against the violation of laws, rules or regulations applicable to

23 such refuges, sanctuaries, rest grounds, or closed lakes or streams, 
24 or portions thereof. 
25    Sec. 9. The Commission shall cause to be made at the close of each

26 calendar year, a full and complete audit of receipts and expendi- 
27 tures of the Game Protection Fund, by the State Traveling Auditor, 
28 who shall report his findings to the Governor. 
29   Sec. 10. Whenever three per cent of the duly qualified electors of 
30 any county affected by a rule or regulation promulgated by the Com- 
31 mission, concerning hunting or fishing within said county, shall pe- 
32 tition the Commission in writing, requesting a hearing, the Commis-