GENERAL OFFICES 
                   WISCONSIN RAPIDS, WIS. 
                       September 12, 1954 
   Mr. Aldo Leopold 
   New Soils Building 
   Madison, Wisconsin 
   Dear Sir: 
   I went over the Monroe Center Game Area recently, to get a general 
   idea of the quail and grouse population. 
   There seem to be a great many quail, most of which are fairly good 
   sized. I do not know whether the increase has been greater on the 
   area because of last winter's feeding or not, as there are more 
   quail than last year over the whole district. 
   I would like to post the area as soon as possible and arrive at a 
   census by using dogs to flush the birds. If there are enough birds 
   I think it would be a good plan to start controlled shooting this 
   year, just to get things started and find out how it will work. 
   If there are not enough birds, we will have to wait longer, of 
   Will the State furnish signs with which to post the area? 
  L.W. Murtfeldt 