         Copies tot Major W~lUv 
                  Mr. Olin 
                  Mr. TOatter 
                       Van& 17.,1930 
Colonel llhr Liber 
Mieitor of CotkSW4i~n 
hn~at oaoinx Wibnn 
   *utwtsthrs er t  ood t mw =hsole 6Rtroblef ttneAto a ts11 
ship for the out~ of R=ar1a ymArtidg     in Ww bey thnt some of 
tge. pmbles mitt in tim be unage and inmwr.d           Thie fellov 
*lip ts hedm~     at the Valver*ty offtch     n mad te  wokis 
being o   by Mr. R. P3. Teatteo, *bo work  wvie the dietionof 
My, Wickl4m, dim~t~of esot  th  to rutting onea fild Mrtty of 
t" w"&rn the g..tW     w   er to vtui the distrilbtio Pad eM
tive alli6s of the bift In that stat*. and Is *o&i- In coase 
oaseeot4 tlo withi Mr. Teattew, so the) the pln of one  ng~nrai 
m~t .and4 dotaU with the p~m of t00 othee., 
           At a reasnt wutin Mr. Vic.cUtf wj&.#tsd tht it migt 
be a fin* th1W if ndm   us4t III fiool. e.,14 al" mdo$ta  wor alou 
paraeo  linos. I an vey ethuiastic abst this general treM     *1hi 
   our : fotlowsbp Just a sort of sw14ic Umu fot the Indspead* 
initiative of the 4.tnt ra~vthe  u  an twolattO  0ff  at unrvelin 
            The pr    of this letterto lto as whther India-a 
might csewiv  tWrting a m5.ote project 3n Its om  Rw~calan, #Msa 
If so, Aother It ~woul b) willin  t* or In on *   til: with Mr. 
Y,.ttev -'i the negbov$%W stts      I" so, Mr. Isaitter wm4 be ~ia4:

to *al on ym to diwu   the matter. 
            I think 0w% Ur. Ko~1o c*7t1!gt    yta an opinolon as to 
the wortiilnsos of this kind of work time he a't )o    time lowetl. 
gated Its Posfibilities.