THE WILD LIFE COUNCIL BULLETIN                                          
be open for inspection by any duly au- 
thorized representative of the Board of 
Fish and Game Commissioners at all 
reasonable times. Each licensee under 
this act shall send to the said Board not 
later than March first a certified copy 
of such records covering the twelve- 
months   period  ending   on   January 
thirty-first of the same calendar year. 
The said Board shall furnish the forms 
on which these records are to be kept. 
  10. It shall be unlawful to transport 
the carcass of any pheasant or quail shot 
under the Provisions of this act unless 
such carcass shall have affixed thereto 
a speciar'tag or seal supplied by the 
Board of Fish and Game Commission- 
   11. The Board of Fish and Game 
Commissioners shall be entitled to re- 
ceive and shall collect for each tag or 
seal to be affixed to the carcasses of 
game birds or game animals, as pro- 
vided in this act, the sum of ten cents. 
   12. No tag or seal affixed to the car- 
cass of any bird or animal in accordance 
with the provisions of this act shall be 
removed until such carcass is finally 
prepared for consumption; provided, 
that the keeper of a hotel, restaurant or 
boarding house, a retail dealer in meat, 
or a club may sell a portion of a carcass 
so tagged, notwithstanding that the tag 
or seal shall not be affixed to the por- 
tion so sold. 
        carriers to receive and transport dead 
        game birds or dead game animals tagged 
        in accordance with the provisions of this 
        act or live game birds or live game ani- 
        mals propagated in accordance with the 
        provisions of this act; provided, that to 
        every container offered for shipment 
        and containing such birds or animals 
        shall be affixed a tag or label upon 
        which shall be plainly printed or writ- 
        ten the name of the person licensed to 
        transport the same, the number of each 
        kind contained therein and a statement 
        to the effect that all such birds or ani- 
        mals were propagated or killed in the 
        manner prescribed in this act. 
          14. No licensee shall sell and trans- 
        port from this State any live game birds 
        or game animals propagated under this 
        act unless he shall have first offered 
        such birds or animals to the Board of 
        Fish and Game Commissioners at a rea- 
        sonabie price which shall not exceed the 
        price at which such licensee shall offer 
        sguch birds or animals for sale outside 
"!, .'of the State and said-Board shall within 
       ten days from date of such offer advise 
       such licensee whether it desires to pur- 
       chase such birds or animals. 
          15. It shall be unlawful for any per- 
        son to counterfeit any tag or seal issued 
        by the Board of Fish and Game Com- 
        missioners in accordance with this act. 
          16. It shall be unlawful for any per- 
        son to affix any tag or seal issued by 
        the Board of Fish and Game Commis- 
sioners in accordance with this act to 
the carcass of any game bird or game 
animal not propagated, acquired or 
killed in the manner prescribed in this 
   17. It shall be a violation of this 
act for any licensee operating under its 
provisions, or any person authorized by 
him to shoot pheasants, to kill or have 
in possession any game bird or game 
animal, except pheasants, during the 
period from December sixteenth to Jan- 
uary thirty-first, both dates inclusive; 
and it shall also be a violation of this 
act for any such licensee or person to 
shoot pheasants during said period out- 
side the land described in the license 
of such licensee. 
   18. It shall be unlawful to trap on 
land described in any license issued un- 
der this act any game bird or game ani- 
mal propagated in accordance with the 
provisions of this act unless the holder 
of such license shall have obtained 
written permission so to do from the 
Board of Fish and Game Commission- 
   19. Nothing herein contained shall 
alter or supersede the provisions of the 
laws of the State requiring a license to 
hunt; provided, that section twenty- 
three of an act entitled "An act for the 
protection of certain kinds of birds, 
game and fish, to regulate their method 
of capture and provide open and close 
seasons for such capture and possession. 
-jkv     '    03.", aamne April 
ninth, one thousand nine hundred and 
ten, shall not apply to any person au- 
thorized to shoot pheasants under the 
provisions of this act. 
   20. Any person violating any of the 
provisions of this act shall be liable 
to a penalty of not less than fifty dol- 
lars and not more than two hundred 
dollars for each offense, to be sued for 
and recovered In the manner provided 
and by the person or persons authorized 
to sue for and recover penalties by the 
provisions of an act entitled "An act 
to provide a uniform procedure for the 
enforcement of all laws relating to fish, 
game and birds, and for the recovery 
of penalties for violations thereof," ap- 
proved March twenty-ninth, eighteen 
hundred and ninety-seven, and the acts 
amendatory thereof and supplementary 
   21. The Board of Fish and Game 
Commissioners may revoke any license 
issued hereunder upon the conviction 
of the holder thereof of a violation of 
this act or any part thereof. 
   22. The act entitled "An,4a   to en- 
courage the propagation of game, ,birda 
and game animals in the State of New 
Jersey, and the sale of propagated game 
birds and game animals, and providing 
licenses therefor," approved June four- 
teenth, one thousand nine hundred and 
thirty two, and all other acts and parts 
of acts Inconsistent herewith, be and 
the same are hereby repealed, but all 
licenses issued under this act of June 
fourteenth, one thousand nine hundred 
and thirty-two, shall remain in full 
force and virtue until the thirty-first 
day of January, one thousand nine hun- 
dred and thirty-four. 
  23. Should any section or part of a 
section of this act be found to be,*-, 
valid or unconstitutional in any court 
of competent jurisdiction, such parts 
shall be exscinded and the remaiu   of 
the act shall stand. 
  24. This act shall take effect immedi- 
  The general purpose of this act is to 
increase the production of game birds 
and game animals by enlarging the op- 
portunities of all who desire to breed 
and raise them. 
  It prohibits the sale of game which 
has been shot, with the exception of 
deer bred and raised in a wholly en- 
closed preserve, and also prohibits the 
sale of carcasses of quail and ruffed 
grouse under any circumstances. 
  It retains all essential features of the 
present breeders' law. 
  It provides an inducement for farm- 
ers, sportsmen and others to propagate 
or acquire game and liberate it for 
shooting purposes. 
  It authorizes the Fish and Game 
Commission to issue to any person, for 
a fee of $2, a license to breed and raise 
game on land he owns or leases, sell 
it alive, kill it and sell it for food, or 
liberate it for hunting purposes, under 
certain restrictions. 
  It follows the present breeders' law 
with respect to the shooting of pheas- 
ants during the regular open season 
without regard to sex or bag limit and 
provides for an extension of this sea- 
son, with additional shooting privileges, 
if a licensee liberates pheasants in suf- 
ficiently large numbers. 
  Experience has shown that, when 
pheasants have been liberated in large 
numbers, from twenty to forty per cent 
have wandered away and have thus pro- 
vided better hunting in the surrounding 
  A special provision of this act (Sec- 
tion 2) sets the stage for a quail restor- 
ation program    in the ten northern 
counties of New Jersey which have been 
closed to quail shooting for the last five 
years. Under this program sportsmen 
or farmers, individually or in organized 
groups, can earn the privilege of hunt- 
ing quail, or selling or leasing quail 
hunting privileges, on local areas in 
these counties by Increasing tile quail 
crop by artificial propagation, restock- 
ing, improving quail environment or 
  In general purpose and specific pro- 
visions, this act is In line with the best 
modern practice in producing game and 
providing an outlet for it.