As a result rough Plane of game inagngmont have been fonmalated 
on a number of National ý?orests. This is based on t. recognition
game is a natural )roduot of the forest and that both from the standpoint

of recreation value and economio production, it may be mde a profitable 
productive asset to the public. Besides the recreation value which is 
diftficult to express speoifically but which is nevertheless real, gam 
brings in a very considerable local revenue. The development of the 
iuild-life resources must be coordinated with that of other resources and

especially that of the g'azing of livestock and practice of forestry. 
The Maeay-Maary Forest Research progtim authorized technloal study of 
the relationship of wild-life to the forests and in accordance ith this 
the Biological Survey Is assigning men to the i'orest rxperlment stations

to study such problems. .:a is indicated later, stookmen using National 
Forests should obtain much benefit from these studies* 
        In National Parks where absolute protection has been afforded, ?:nd

few other interests are involved, the siturtion was not omuplicated by the

necessity of correlation of grazing and gvme, but soon definite biological

problem arose and in many cases control of numbers has been necessary. A

naturl plan of balance is not practical in many Instances duo to the fact

that under this a species which It is particularly desirable to protect 
may be damaed or even destroyed by another. So here a planned control 
and managemnt is essential to make nuoh nreas serve highest purpose.

       To many people wild-life mnnacement is an unfetnili, r term and needs

definition. It has not the familiar rlng of the words "same laws or
and egae proteot on." wild-life manag     nt may be simply stated as
the 'Iirnd- 
ling of any area to produce oontantly the greatest number of desirable forms

of wild-life copatible Aith othz essential products. There may be varying

degrees of productivity un-r different circumotances Mnd an adptation to

other uses of the area. It is in truth a form of land    mamguiint. The kill

or crop removed must be limited to the production and the envlroýnnt
be controlled to increse this pýroduotion so far as poa-ible. After
all the 
feators influenoing the mintonv'mce of a cpecies in a given area have been

con. idered a plan for Iandlin munt be developed which is sound both 
biologically and economically. 
       Recently Aldo Leopold, a forester worklng on gam    roblas, gave 
the followin; definition:  Gkme research is finding out things to do to 
the land to mike it produce game; gme management is the art o*f doing 
these things. t Ge administretion is the public function of fostering and

supervising the practice of gume menageent. Wild-life would include also

non-geme species and fish. 
Pýresent, Aýatua of Wild-li 
       The term wild-life is so broad in application that it is somewhat

difficult to discuss it and think of all its phases.. erhaps the    idest

interest is in our bl- game animals of which the "'eat has both excellence
variety. Deer in general are thriving and Increasing. The problem here is

to determine how extensively they may be produced within the carrying 
capacity of the ranges without undue curtailment of essential industries

end damage to private property, and to develop satisfactory methods of 