 7 therein, and a statement that such game birds or animals were killed and
tagged ih 
 8 accordance with this act. 
 1      4. Each propagating license shall expire on the thirty-Iirst day
of December 
 2 of the year in which it is issued. Each holder of a propagating license
shall keep 
 3 such license prominently displayed at the place of business specified
therein. Every 
 4 person holding a propagating license, issued by the Board of Fish and
Game Coin- 
 5 missioners, shall keep accurate written records which shall include the
total number 
 6 of each species of game birds and animals possessed on the date of application
 7 the license, the number of each species subsequently propagated or acquired
by pur- 
 8 chase or gift, and the name and address of each person or corporation
from whom 
 9 or to whom game birds or animals were purchased or sold alive or sold
for food, 
 10 and the date of each transaction. These records shall be kept permanently
on the 
 11 premises stated in such license, and shall be open for inspection by
any duly author- 
 12 ized representative of the Board at all reasonable times. Each holder
of a propagat- 
 13 ing license shall send a certified copy of these records for the previous
calendar year 
 14 to the board not later than January fifteenth. The board shall furnish
the forms 
 15 on which these records are to be kept. 
 1      5. The holder of a propagating license or his employees may take
at any time 
 2 and in any manner any predatory bird or animal distributing or destroying
 3 gated game only on the land described in his license. 
 1      6. The proprietor or keeper of a hotel, restaurant or cafe, boarding
house or 
 2 club, desiring to serve game to his patrons, may make application to the
Board of 
 3 Fish and Game Commissioners for a license to do so. The board, when it
 4 appear that such application is made in good faith, shall, upon the payment
of a fee of 
 5 ten dollars ($10.00), issue to each such applicant a license permitting
the holder 
 6 thereof to buy and possess game birds or animals lawfully tagged and to
serve such 
 7 game to his patrons for consumption, at any time, but only on the premisu,
the loca- 
 8 tion of which shall be definitely stated in such license and the application
 9 Each such license to serve game shall expire on the thirty-first day of
December in 
10 the year in which it is issued. Each person holding a license to serve
game shall 
11 keep such license prominently displayed at the place of business specified
12 The holder of a license to serve game may purchase only game birds or