DALLAS, TEXAS 
                                               Feb; 4, 1935. 
Mr. Aldo Leopold, 
New Soils Bldg., 
Madison, Wise. 
Dear Sir: 
         We are tryirg to interest some local farmers in more adequate 
protection for quails, eapeocially in furnishing improved breeding and 
feeding cover, 
        I have ordered a copy of Mr. N. L. StoddadIs   book on The Bobwhite

Quail, and now have also a supIy of Farmers Bulletin No. 1719, but 
in addition we need additional argmwant of the particular type that 
appeals to the pocketbook, which is the only way we can reach some 
of these men; we need facts and figures showing a financial gain 
to those who have improved the farm conditions for the propogation 
of quail. 
        Mr. Clarence Cottam of the Biological Survey has suggested 
that you may be able to give us some additional information along 
this line, and arything you have to offer will be appreciated' 
                           Yours truly, 
                         \ J.* E. Stillwell, 
Stamped envelope enclosed. 's                      q  pqcA        L4J