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    COMMIsaHER                                        MIGRATORY BIRDS CONVENTION
                                                       HISTORIC SITES 
                     DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 
                         NATIONAL PARKS OF CANADA 
                Personal.        OTTAWA 
IN YOUR REPLY R   TO VL....................... .......... 
        Dear Mr. Leopold,- 
                  With reference to your letter of April 29, 
        1930, I handed the "Canadian Field-Naturalist" your 
        enclosure ordering a copy of the number which con- 
        tains the article on the Gray Partridge in the Okana- 
        gan Valley, British Columbia. 
                  The "Naturalist" is a very important paper 
        and contains numerous articles on Canadian game mam- 
        mals, and migratory birds. Of course it contains 
        much material other than mammals and birds. It is 
        too bad that you cannot find a complete file of it 
        for analysis along the line that you require. Per- 
        haps you had better come and work at Ottawa for a 
        while where several files are available. Seton quotes 
        from it quite widely in his book "Lives." I do not 
        know that you need the complete set of the"Canadian 
        Field-Naturalist". It might do if you had it from 
        1918 to date. This can be furnished at a reasonable 
        price by the Club. The particular items on Canadian 
        game which might be of interest to you, and which are 
        not listed in your letter are : Taverner's "Birds of 
,      Western Canada", book, - for sale by National Museum 
        of Canada, $2.00 per copy; Taverner's Birds of Eastern 
   i    0anada", ou.t of print; Macoun and Macoun "Catalogue 
        of Canadian Birds", out of print, often for sale at 
        about $3.00; "Birds of Saskatchewan" by H. H. iltchell,

        special nuJmber of the "Canadian Field-Naturalist" a 
        few years ago; F. Bradshaw had a paper on the "Intro- 
        duction of the Hungarian Partridge in Western Canada"."

    ,!' He is now Director of the Provincial Museum, Regina, 
       Saskatchewan, and might have a separate or copy of this 
       paper. There is good Canadian material in Phillip's 
       "Dmcks of the World", and, of course, "The North Ameri-

       can Paunas" which deal with Canada are excellent. 
       "Number 27 Athabasca-MacKenzie District" by Preble, and

       the one that deals with the Hudson Bay Region are per- 
       haps the most important. There would be a wealth of 
       short articles as well and the summary reports of the 
       Geological Survey would be useful, but I doubt if you 
       could find them without coming to Ottawa and working 
       for a while at the Library of the National Museum and 
       the Geological Survey. 
                                 Yours very truly, 
                                           Hoye   loyd 
                                      Wild Life Division 
  Aldo Leopold, Esq., 
    421 Chemistry Bldg., 
       Madison, Wisconsin.