Nov. 16, 1932 
Mr.' A. W. Schorge 
168 North Prospect St. 
Madison,? Wisonsin 
Dear Bi11: 
           In connection with your ta3*ey paper you 
might havieuse for the followin: 
           Georgo Johnson, distriot ga warden at 
Richlan Center, was personally acquainted with a Winne- 
bago Indian by the n  of Good Bar. ho died in 1930 
at t   ag of 103 years at Xilbourn. Johnson had Imkwn 
Good Bear since 1927 and repeatedly discussed early ge 
conditions with him. Good Bear told Johnson he had 
killed w11d turkeys in the Pine River vally, whioh flows 
into the Wiscon sin frors the north truhRichiad County., 
If this recollection it accwate, it means that        s 
must have occurd north ef the Wisconsin River. 
           Goo Bear also mentioned kllhing doer at the 
exat site of Richland Omnter. No 9mct site for tur1W 
huntin was mtioned. 
           e Wnames for wild turkey was 
* oeek." ThI e ses word also signified r 
           J    o    t the imprssion that Good Bear was 
a yoi  man when he h  tetu       on the Pine River. Te 
dae thefore unst have been 1860 or pr1ou. 
                        IALDrs i307t7