1. Titles 
      Inflwmnc of %rt~fiaIla ,Lakes aM~i noiis unon A ime ita ezwiaonm. nt
In rela~tion 
   to Inds an        of plant and aniý life. 
2. Olcl~ 
   .             *qfes of         pebliad s aM to-be 4atabliahed artificivL

   wes     ponds   on the  dn, a  t, and flictuations of the water extent
of In- 
   fluew      Minstuwr nmttmt m '   ty of     t      eM: ultnM7.1tr ,,"
t.er for 
   a~tic life; kin an rate of invasion and acceaeon of plats and aWduils
in the 
          ~te s&~ 4 he ~a   l-n t  -ow~ison nf rnnilba aor~-ýi.A,
frog n   -rl -Mratlon 
  wate sxv,ý n,ý tv oja!t    nor-x eatt         ; 
  and mArtficial planting. 
  3-Rton far uaad the s    otu e ldt s. s7a:.Oas                 th 
  '-"O(        il Albl of the     a3 a -lt . for th-e tien i anti. us.
of artlficial 
  lakes P.M. ponds. 
  It. P  o mr and p   nt outlook on the pobleiu 
        eenee~ta no ronso data are av all in Nat present thi l      if of

   use of such a   l its tessrily haplsd. Definite infoamtion is needed in
   to 4etqlr'An" Y'ot'l-r z~tftk   ?na h!ral 'et$          1,i~    !-
Aedi prnrtin- ;rpow-th 
   of shrabe, tweeis. aqatias and other r.auts as well ais aniusls. Qraziua
armoe thsen- 
   tire s  r. a be an                                         a   l l dting
f atonlv 7n k A oa lsont 
   of plants and animals iný and armmd these lakes and ponids increases
the bialoginal o 
   smroms of :tn i *)   i    brd % A  . n feetii, et., for a nuanti! n-l'
4 i 
   g~ birds, inseatiwwous birds, shade for livestock, fishl protention for
asiull animls 
   ýihlch prety -pomin sct ar," rodnts; annT a1tAWltO-al u t
forli1 wa-k 
   ,*o ?eoure I 
   ""    eth and volume of water of oareflly selected lakes aM
panda  by 
   wariouns 3nthod.,. will bas     at variou.% times ivr thes roar -mli In
diffe)roat ý'nLas; dor. 
   terminations vill be vde of the total salt ,onoentrntion, oxygen content,
pre, oriAn 
   matter, etc;   Usated tini n! tha kinds -Lxf abrmuano of -oicrosiopi lieP,
thit -uld 
   be suitable food for fish; snwival of artificial introehuctions of filah
soil meislture 
   conten tis at v-zrlonr 11.itintnei frmi Vii lzake ihore 1-i rilAtlmn to
elovrt'4cn; tz--nnse- and 
   qusdrat stndie. of veeeý,tatl~ bgnnA at the shore Ins over a. ieriotil
of -rnarq to &~e 
       natraroX mineeiu;Ifihlu of pirintin- &~o ar, remt canA-rr  raa¶,
   shn~tbis, and trees by seed and vereta~tively; Introehwtion of vari~os
kinds of anirrls; 
   crunts of -Aninl p  zl 'b-on b  c-nsuu methods, newts, icilts, eto., ondAor
   ed areas; exaluaion of cattle by fencing portions of shoros. 
6. Dmratioa 
     "15'    to 3     ' for 7ý7lidnt.inr. f7vy to- 2.0 1!ne-ri
for i oe~on 
T. Zersoannlh 
   177ert Dr. 7. . 1rin         . Associate Professor of eoolo,... 
              St;"m2 ley o7,stona.          1%sitat nd 
                      Dr. . A Hareso, 3te~sto  permntStation, cooporatine.

         lnlolal arvy, 34 oil arvrtion qS.rimoe S1tate GaAs and ?"ish
-rotfnt, Land 
     Kwudaendr Land Use wprmt of the 3aream of A~rienltural ýbonorics,
and the Nlational 
   P~* gervie. 
          Waro D.?T. jo khleyfor three rorths, ...       . .6 S $45Q0O0 
       qm~sesz equipmeti *oe    meman of trasportationj trape nets; 
         live bws; oves   microsompe; &kesisl glanoe    and rmes~nts
                                                 Total .. . .M