The GAME BREEDER for October, 
   Your Game 
   Does it provide the 
     sport it should? 
     Many thousands of dollars 
   are spent annually in unsuc- 
   cessful efforts to provide good 
   shooting on the private pre- 
   serve. Often a less amount, 
   judiciously expended, would 
   achieve the desired result. 
   Careful Planning is 
     The foundation of success- 
   ful operation is a carefully 
   prepared plan for develop- 
   ment and maintenance, based 
   on the desires of the owners 
   and the possibilities of the 
   property. Making the most 
   of these possibilities necessi- 
   tates careful analysis of the 
   situation by persons skilled 
   in this line of work, on which 
   the system to be followed is 
     A staff of thoroughly 
   qualified specialists experi- 
   enced in the establishment, 
   development and manage- 
   ment of game preserves, is 
   maintained  by  The Game 
   Conservation Society. Its ser- 
   vices may save you many 
   times the moderate cost in- 
   For further particulars write 
      Service Department 
The Game Conservation 
        Society, Inc. 
    205 East 42nd Street 
    NEW YORK, N. Y. 
mostly because in its concentrated form 
it saves me a few trips to the feed 
dishes.  I  have  raised  hundreds  of 
guineas to maturity with nothing but 
dry mash. In fact, my old guineas much 
prefer their dry mixtures to their hard 
   And there does not seem to be any 
 trouble with mites or internal parasites. 
 Guineas are, apparently, proof against 
 both. I know that I must have brought 
 in lice on many of the farm broody 
 hens that I used to use, but they never 
 lasted. One winter I kept a couple of 
 hundred pigeons in the top of my 
 brooder house. I know that these birds 
 had lice. The following spring I raised 
 young guineas there. There have never 
 been any lice. What a devouring hoard 
 of mites would have descended on a 
 bunch of ordinary chickens under such 
   But I am getting off the subject. This 
 article is merely the tale of an attempt 
 to take some of the exacting detail out 
 of pheasant raising. A great many rules 
 have been violated, but these birds are 
 big and strong, and I have already seen 
 cocks get up on some raised place and 
 give their raucous cry with as much glee 
 as if they            o  out in their 
      (Continued from Page 296) 
life are being controlled as rapidly as 
possible. In an effort to effect a truce 
with the foxes which over-run this 
wild, hilly country along the Muscata- 
tuck River, Mr. Crosley has already 
released nearly two hundred rabbits in 
an attempt to stock this section with 
cottontails which -unfortunately for 
Mr. Cottontail-are considered by foxes 
a much more toothsome delicacy than 
either quail or pheasant. 
REFORESTATION          activity makes 
    up no small part of the far-reaching 
conservation program now unfolding 
on Mr. Crosley's 1500-acre Indiana pre- 
serve. Last year 50,000 walnut trees, 
25,000 locust, and 15,000 spruce and 
pine were planted, while thus far this 
season, 54,000 spruce and pine, 14,000 
tulip poplars, and a large number of 
walnut, locust and other species have 
already been set out. 
  There is nothing pretentious or luxur- 
ious about Sleepy Hollow or the manner 
in which Mr. Crosley and his guests 
live while there. The principal building, 
the hunting lodge, is a modest cosily 
constructed affair built along the lines 
of comfort and ease rather than show. 
Its setting, however, is a lovely bit of 
rare primitive scenic beauty overlook- 
ing a broad sweeping bend of the 
Muscatatuck River and over-shadowed 
Heads, fur rugs, birds, animals, fish, 
horns, skins to order-also for suale. 
Tannng; ladies' furs. For the Taxi- 
dermist trade glass eyes, skulls, tools, 
scalps, etc. We buy bright colored birds 
that die--also foreign animals. 
M.A. HOFMANN,989Gates Ave., Bklyn, N.Y. 
  If you are looking for strong healthy 
breeders, I have just what you want 
in Reeves, Pure Versicolor, Melanotus, 
Amherst, Golden and Silver Pheasants. 
Why not have the best when it costs 
you no more? Live arrival guaranteed. 
     R. F. D. 935 First Ave. 
      Pheasants-Game Birds 
           Fancy Fowls 
 Now booking orders for hatching Eggs. 
            Price list free. 
            H. E. Palmer 
28 Colony Rd.     West Hartford, Conn. 
      Consult our partial list 
    of books on page 324. The 
    book you wish may not be 
    there but we can fill your 
    order if it's in print. 
      Ask us to recommend the 
    book  for your particular 
        Book Department 
205 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. 
it comes to hold- 
ing pens or game 
bird enclosures-if 
you want to do the 
job right read page 
22 of our catalogue 
on Crown Pen Pro- 
ducts for birds and 
animals. A post- 
card will bring you 
a copy free. 
Minneapolis, Minn.